Certification of the documents for foreign countries
Through the apostilled translation (translation certified through the application of the Apostille), the documents acquire legal value in foreign countries. It is valid for all the nations that participate in the Apostille Convention (Hague Treaty Convention 12) of 5 October 1961 (The list of the countries is available here: https://www.hcch.net/en/states/hcch-members).
How to proceed:
A specific seal – internationally recognized – is stamped to certify the validity of the documents and the quality of the jurisdictional body that signed the report of record during the asseveration stage. This process eases the requirements of the standard procedure and prevents the Consul or Representative of the Embassy to be involved in completing the certification.
Assuming that it is needed to provide for carrying out a sworn translation of the documents appointing a qualified translator, there are two options to proceed with the standard certification in the foreign Countries:
1. The certification of a Notarial deed in a foreign country that does not adhere to any international convention requires two steps: firstly, the documents must be certified at the Procura della Repubblica, and secondly, at the Consulate of the target country.
1. The certification of documents to be used in a foreign country that does adhere to the Hague Treaty Convention of 5 October 1961 requires a single step: the documents must be certified at the Procura della Repubblica.
For the application of the Apostille is required a step at the Procura della Repubblica.
Whereas, the Brussels Convention of 25 May 1987 provides for a simplified procedure through the exemption from any certification or other equivalent or similar process (e.g., the Apostille).
Therefore, an Italian Notarial deed is legally valid in one of the foreign countries taking part in the convention, and it is sufficient for the Notary to put their signature and stamp their seal.
These are the Countries that adhere to the Convention: Italy, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Latvia, and Estonia.